Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Where Is God for Me? Preface

I am very aware of my own failures, but I still aspire to surrender my heart daily to this mystery we call God, or Allah, or whatever. I was a Benedictine monk for 16 years. Now I am a married Catholic priest, ordained 55 years ago,  affiliated with an Old Catholic church in the Celtic tradition . I live with a grateful heart, determined to keep on giving back for many underserved blessings received. I still have an active prison ministry and storytelling ministry. Most recently I have completed a spiritual memoir, written primarily for my disabled veteran family to help coping with loss, Resilience of a Dream Catcher. My VA diagnosis is “Catastrophically Disabled.” However, the second word in that phrase should be “challenged.”

This new writing project is envisioned as a threefold offering: 1) what went wrong in the development of Christianity so that we Christians killed and murdered millions; 2) What is the message of Jesus all organized religion has missed; and 3) where we can find the mystery we call God today. Mostly I shall use stories and am inviting others to participate. With stories. The shortest distance between humans and truth, someone said, is story. This is why the parables of Jesus still, after two thousand years, remain strikingly perceptive about his message.

This project is deemed urgent because organized religion still emphasizes the external and does not teach the message of Jesus. Christians are still trapped in an internal prison which does not allow or encourage them to accept their own inner beauty, understand how they are created in God’s own image and embrace the challenge of Jesus. So, yes: this is about Jesus and how he is not only relevant but urgent for us today. I have already published one view of how we have misunderstood, Did Jesus Die for Our Sins? Moreover, my Resilience memoir has many reflections where belief and setback found grace. .

Orthodoxy, or “right teaching,” as the way to God and the way to separate ourselves from Christians who believe differently, is a profound pervasion of Jesus teaching. The emphasis on right teaching as the way to God cannot be found either in the gospels or in the letters by Saint Paul. This emphasis, it will be seen, began with Emperor Constantine and the Nicene Creed in the 4th Century. When we Christians had state support for a creed is when we began active persecution of others, even burning synagogues and ostracizing our Hebrew brothers and sisters.

It was not orthodoxy that fueled the exponential growth of Christianity from a small Hebrew sect in Palestine to a majority of the Roman Empire in only three centuries.  Demographers estimate the growth was 25% per year.  It was instead, “See how those Christians care for the widow, the orphan and the poor.”

Change is occurring faster than any of us can keep up with. Stress is found everywhere. Some reflective practice is urgently needed for humans to survive, cope and thrive. Organized religion has, in the main, neither taught nor encouraged the development of the inner life. Although Jesus said, “The Kingdom is within,” (Luke 17:20-21) no church ever taught us to go inside ourselves to discover the Kingdom. Yet, some form of mindfulness training is taught as a standard practice today. Also membership in mainstream  Christian denominations is dropping consistently while numbers grow in charismatic and evangelical communities. This is particularly true  in South America, but also is found world-wide.

I take my permission from the inspired life or Henry Nouwen, exemplified in the title of his book: The Wounded Healer. It is through our own traumas that we receive the gift of understanding and healing. This insight was expressed in psychologists at the Union Retreat of Ohio Psychologists on the interface of psychology and spirituality. I have been privileged to be inspired by this yearly event for nine years. For a report on this focus see Report Hyperlink. (almost ready)

This project is published in chapters, one by one, monthly. I am inviting friends whose faith practice I know to have been the result of a person search to contribute to this project. Each would take as their topic: Where I find god today? And write about how their faith has changed. My aim is within a year, to have 15-20 chapters.
Paschal Baute

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